Tuesday 22 September 2020

Autumn is coming

First we had some very rainy days.

Then there was a storm that blew one of our big aspens down. It was one of twins, growing right next to another, and it was all rotten. We must take the other one down as well. No other damage was done, but the tree took a street lamp post along. Mr. K marked the tree with yellow warning tape because the lamp was broken and we could not know if there was still electric current somewhere. The men from the street lightning maintenance came to take care of that problem, the tree is ours.

Right after my last post the Tour de France started, and I did not feel too guilty just sitting down to knit. I had to follow this important sport event on the TV, so taking a break from all chores was not only justified but almost necessary. I finished the top pair of bed socks in no time, and inspired by the soft feel of baby merino wool continued with another brand. Always ready to try new patterns I knitted the next two pairs using patterns I found online. 

Here a closer look. The one on the left is a 3D effect created simply by using knit and purl stitches, a repea that was easy to learn and remember. The other two involve some stitches together and yarns over but it was easy to see where I was going all the time.

After all this fine yarn and small needles I felt I needed some more mindless knitting. Very basic knit one purl one socks with some stripes for old fashioned, traditionally thinking men, in colors that remind me of fir trees and chanterelles or birch leaves in Autumn. 

The yarn rests were suitable for a pair of socks in a child's size but I forgot to take a photo. So, sock stories to be continued!