Sunday 13 January 2013


The new year has started with winter weather, some snow, some frost, some sleet. New bird watching list on the fridge door with ten species so far spotted. I have some projects started but no new finishes for this year, so I thought I could show you my end of the year knittings.

Craft Olympics socks and wrist warmers for DD. I made a similar set for another young lady but forgot to take a picture.

October knitting: infinity scarf and wrist warmers for someone special abroad. Here I combined a novelty yarn with some mohair type yarn in burgundy to add warmth.

First pair of mittens using my Granny's pattern I showed you last Summer when I figured out how she did it. She used to knit them on two needles to the end of  the two-colourd part, to avoid knitting purl stitches, but I used a circular needle and made both mittens at the same time.

That has become my favourite method and helps me make identical socks and mirror image mittens. This other pair is for a young man.

I just had to buy this soft wool blend yarn in Aubergine colour. Again, the rest of the yarn was used for wrist warmers to go with the infinity scarf.

That was all I can remember. Knitting soft yarns in the evenings in front of the fire is my main hobby nowadays. Preparing for the time when I'm really old an can't see any more, but my fingers remember how to knit!
Soon there will be more light to make decent photos, and I hope to get in the mood for sewing too. Now it is still time to semi-hibernate. Thank you for coming by again!


  1. It looks like you are keeping Lentävä Lapanen in business. The yarns you have used are beautiful and range of colours wonderful. Some people just use their favourite colours but you have used a wide variety. I once knew a man who knit to keep arthritis from stiffening up his fingers.

  2. Wow, Ulla, lots of lovely knitting projects and my cowl and wrist warmers are keeping me nice and cozy these days when I take my morning walks. I put the cowl over my head, to keep my ears nice and warm (o:
    How clever to have figured out the stitch and such beautiful colors in the last project you show.

  3. What a wonderful display of Winter knitting. I can see why you had to make something in that gorgeous aubergine yarn. Stunning work Ulla.

  4. I can imagine a dog or kitty curled up by your feet as you knit by the fire. You have many lovely projects and I know they brought happiness to their receipients. :o)

  5. What beautiful knitting! All those gorgeous textures and colors.

  6. Every piece is so beautifully made and with lovely colors, Ulla! I don't blame you for wanting to hibernate for a bit - we are in the same mode here at the Squash House!

  7. You have been very busy and creative with your knitting, enjoy your knit-hibernation while you can.

  8. wonderful colors great gifts and beautiful yarns. The mittens made using your Grandmother's pattern look super and so nice to have that connection with her. Stay warm and safe.

  9. Beautiful knitting, Ulla! It is really cozy to sit in front of the fire and use your hands to make such lovely and useful things. Happy knits to you!

  10. Du bist ja unheimlich fleissig, liebe Ulla. So viele schöne Wintersachen die du gemacht hast. Seitdem ich die Pullis für Afghanistan gemacht habe, kann ich auch nicht mehr aufhören. Jeden Abend kommen die Stricknadeln zum Zuge. Die Pullis gehen nun nach Peru, wo die Schwiegertochter meiner Freundin ein Hilfsprojekt leitet. Es ist ein gutes Gefühl, wenn man weiss, die gestrickten Sachen werden gebraucht.
    Liebe "eiskalte" Grüsse,


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