Thursday, 28 March 2013


Recently we have had some rare visitors. Two weeks ago a trail of new tracks came from the forest to our yard, something bigger than the usual hares.

In the front garden it looked almost like little children had been skiing there, spoiling the virgin snow cover.

Then we had a better look, measured the marks and checked with a book "Tracks on Snow": Not a deer but an elk! We know they live in the forest but this was a first visit so close to the house.

A week later another new visitor came: Melanie came to celebrate our birthdays. I'm five days and some  many years older than she, so Friday was just fine for our birthday cake. It was wonderful to finally meet her in person after five years of blog friendship. I was so happy to notice she was exactly as I imagined her.

On Saturday we took the train to Järvenpää and started our tour with the number one on her wish list, Villa Cooper. As you can see, we had beautiful weather for our walk.

Just some Easter pictures from the inside. Decorated twigs like the ones children would bring you on Palm Sunday with their blessings in exchange for some chocolate eggs.

Lovely white feather wreath.

I think I will leave the rest of my tour pictures until Melanie has shown hers on her blog so I don't spoil her surprise. This is what I knitted her for her birthday, to make sure she will survive our cold March days during her visit. I'm slowly learning the toe to top method of knitting socks, but I'm still having difficulties with determining the distance from toe to beginning of the heel.


With these yellow tulips from my sister I wish you all a Happy Easter!



  1. Happy Easter to you too, Ulla. You have such lovely traditions.

  2. It was amazing and so much fun to meet you! The Villa Cooper is a wonderful place. My blog post is about to go out so feel free to share all your pics. Thank you so much for all your wonderful gifts. I will do a post on all my March loot later.

  3. What a special way to celebrate your birthdays. I think your gift to her was perfect -- the mittens and socks remind me of jelly bean colors.

  4. Happy birthdays, a bit late, to both of you. Beautiful knitted gifts you have made for Melanie.

  5. Happy Easter to you too, Ulla, and happy birthday whether it is belated or upcoming!

  6. Dir und deiner Familie wünsche ich ebenfalls frohe und erholsame Ostertage mit hoffentlich viel Sonnenschein. Du hast liebevolle Geschenke gemacht für Melanie. Es ist immer schön und vorallem interessant jemanden aus Blogland real kennenzulernen. Wie nett, dass ihr auch noch Geburtstag zusammen feiern konntet.Durch meinen Gartenblog habe ich auch schon Frauen getroffen und ich freue mich über diese internationalen Freundschaften. Mit einer Blogfreundin aus Deutschland werde ich diesen Sommer sogar auf Gartenreise nach Grossbritannien gehen.
    Liebe Grüsse aus einer immer noch sehr winterlichen Schweiz,

  7. How wonderful that you could meet Melanie in person and at your home! I can just imagine the fun you must have had! The socks are beautiful and must have really kept Melanie's feet warm!
    Happy Easter, Ulla!

  8. The visit from an elk and a blog friend so different but nice.
    The knitting is special and the twigs of pussy willow remind me of spring in my childhood. The pussy willows don't grow in Australlia.
    Happy Easter


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