Saturday, 18 June 2022

Blue blocks

This month the Rainbow Scraps are blue. My 2½" squares' box had enough squares in these blue plaids:

I felt like starting something new, so I went through my other blue and light blue stash and found these floral prints and one dotty fabric most suitable for mugs. The one in the middle is for me, a left handed mug.

Rag doll making leaves me with odd shaped bits of white sheet fabric from the ends and sides, where the sheets are not worn thin. I often cut these bits in 2½" squares for the 9-patch blocks, or even smaller like 1½" and 1" and even 3/4" squares for cutting corners like these mugs. Bigger leftovers are stored in a box and can be cut for longer strips like the ones I'm going to need when I join the mugs to a row and add background on both sides of the row.

I hope to add to this new quilt project something blue next week too.



  1. The mug blocks are so cute!!!

  2. Lovely plaid 9-Patch blocks! Enjoy your new Mug project. LOVE the dotty one!

  3. I like that quilters in other countries take part in this as well - nice blocks

  4. Love these mugs, really nice. Hope all is good with your family. Hugs, Marie

  5. Your plaid nine patches are very nice, and I love your coffee mugs, espe ially your very own left handed version. Well done!

  6. Nice blue 9 patch blocks and I love the mugs..
    Wonder what your new blue project will be?

    1. Not anonymous, it’s Maria from Life on the Block…

  7. Sweet box blocks and mug rug blocks. I love how you personalized the one for you, lefty!


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