Monday 11 May 2020

This special Spring

 In April on one of our walks we saw these suspicious looking creatures. Virus flowers?

I have been sewing masks for myself and family. Some large Marimekko prints, some cheerful colours, some matching my clothes and some more suitable for men.

The forest is full of wood anemones, and I picked some for the small window .

I had collected some old bottles and thought they looked nice with just one or two wild flowers in each.

This weekend I took photos of the socks I have knitted recently, and thought they would look nice in the bright sunshine.

I was wrong, the pink above is hardly to be seen, and you don't see much of the Aino S' pattern of the bright white socks below either.

This is our weather today, the poor peonies and grape hyacinths must be shivering.

The birches had just opened their tiny leaves and there was a fine light green shade in the forest.

All birds have gone silent, they must be waiting for the snow and cold to go away. I prefer Winter weather during the Winter months, not when we are expecting warmth and sun and flowers and birdsong.


  1. Oh no, we don't want winter pictures any more :-)! I remember those white anemones from our visit to Sweden, long time ago.....It is a very nice way to display them on your window,

  2. Nice to have some flowers blooming and the anemones look nice in the bottles on your sill.
    Beautiful warm socks ...

  3. Hi Ulla, At least you have been busy being creative, more than I can say! Lovely socks, wish I has paid more attention when I had a close friend that knitted tried to show me how. I actually am going in the quilt room today and I do feel much better about it. Take care and stay warm! Hugs, Marie

  4. I too prefer weather to match the seasons. The socks are very nice and the window display must be uplifting to look at. Toronto seems to get a bit of snow on some days too but I'm told it doesn't stay. Soon, we may all be complaining about the heat and humidity of summer. I will be hibernating in central air conditioning surroundings hopefully.

  5. Hienot viruskukat!
    Jep, valo ei aina olekaan hyvä asia, mun kans monta kuvaa piti ottaa eri valoissa että sain kuvat.
    Kauniit nuo vuokot pulloissaan. Nuo on nyt toiset pullot ku parin päivän sisällä näen ja mua harmittaa ku laitoin Kierrätyskeskukseen pulloja, jotka olisinkin voinut antaa blogikavereille.
    Kyllän nuo terassikukatkin vähän palelee, ei tämä kylmyys ole kasveille hyvä ollenkaan. Olis ollu kylmä sillo kun sen aika oli.

  6. The "virus flowers" look like milkweed to me. There are many species. Here in North America, they are very important for our monarch butterflies -- the caterpillars can't eat anything else!

    I found a map that showed they'd been introduced to Estonia. I wonder if they have somehow spread north to Finland? It looks like they are not native to Europe.

    Milkweed flowers are strange but beautiful. Here in central Texas, they are the first flowers of the year. :)


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