Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Crumbs, limping geese, and swans learning to fly

Recently I came across a tempting challenge: Crumb Along! at Jo's Country Junction. I made my first crumb quilt last Spring and it was fun and addicting. Before I noticed I had started yet another block, and when I trimmed a finished block I was left with a new beginning. Therefore I didn't hesitate but started playing with another bag of crumbs. For the first block Jo showed us how to make Flying Geese in a liberated way, scissor cut and with no strict rules.

My geese look like they had a limp!

Jo is giving a new block every Tuesday, and yesterday she showed how to make a star and a heart. These are my first blocks for this week. If you want to play along, you can still catch up and start playing with your tiny bits of fabric.

On every Tuesday Jo also has a list of links to the blogs Crumbing Along, so you can visit the blogs and get new ideas. The button on my sidebar will also take you to Jo's blog.

Limping geese takes me to the beautiful whooper swans practicing their flight. The birds are big, from bill to tail 130 to 152 cm long, and quite heavy too. Getting up in the air is not so easy:

This is as high as this young bird got on any of its attempts I saw.

There was lot of running just under the water surface.

Yesterday Melanie gave us two challenges, one of them concerned decluttering the house and getting rid of five things that are useless, outgrown etc. I found all these blouses,shirts etc. in my closet, in good condition but made for a person smaller than I'm now, so they will go to the charity shop.

This is more than five already, but I also found a winter sweater of Mr. K and a small T-shirt of Son K to go with them. Then there was this pair of summer shoes. They were not my size either, but tended to be left behind like Cinderella's glass slipper when I tried to walk in them.

And finally something useless: two broken toys I had been thinking of repairing but I know I'm never going to do it. Binned!

The fun part of Melanie's challenge is left: an hour of time for myself, and as a reward for losing the useless items, to find something to the house that is really me. I'll need to think about that before I make the decision.


  1. that last part is the most difficult, we always leave ourselves to the last.
    beautiful swans, that one must have been what we call a "P plater", still learning but thinks he knows it all.

  2. Tasty crumbs. How fun to try something "new" to you. I love the action photos of the swans.

  3. Your plaid crumb blocks are marvellous!

  4. I love your limping geese! I am doing the Crumb along too!

    Great idea about the declutter challenge. I should go check that out.


  5. Crumb along scheint interessant zu sein...lernt man doch wieder neue Blöcke zu nähen und verkleinert damit den Stoffvorrat. Die Entsorgungsaktion von Melanie ist gut...wir haben ja meistens zu viel und behalten es zu lange (ich gehöre auch zu diesen Leuten, leider!). Aber ich überlege mir auch was ich weggeben könnte...und bekomme dann eine Stunde ganz für mich alleine ;-) .! So schön die Schwanbilder, ich bin als Kind oft am See gesessen und habe ihnen zugeschaut und mir vorgestellt, wohin ihre Reise wohl geht....
    Liebe Grüsse,

  6. I adore your limping geese. It's so much fun to see the fabrics and colours of the crumb-along participants.

  7. I like your limping geese. I was forced to get rid of stuff when I cleaned out my sweater cupboard and came across things I won't ever wear again. The are in a bag destined for someone else to wear. It does feel good to get rid of things no longer useful.

  8. Love your blocks with plaid fabrics.

  9. I had to laugh at "limping geese"! They are adorably challenged. I do like the plaid fabrics in the stars. It is a real chellenge to make them small enough to be able to fill in around them with other crumbs. I have a few large stars myself.

    Beautiful swans. I used to have fun watching the geese babies hatch and grow and learn to fly outside my office window. How much better to have beautiful swans.

  10. Hee..either your geese are limping or they've had a little schnapps! I do love them - how fun to make them wonky! Great idea from Melanie! I will have to catch up as we have had house guests all week. Beautiful photos of the swans learning to fly! Too bad they can't stay around and grace the frozen ponds all winter!

  11. Your blocks look great. But the pictures of the swan is just beautiful.

  12. I too love your limping geese. When I look at the geese in my blocks it reminds me of how I feel on any various point... You get the idea.

  13. Well done using up those bits. Lovely blocks. A good idea.

    What a great clear out you had. Well done. I hope you managed your hour just for you too.

  14. Somehow I missed your last posts. Beautiful to see those swans trying to fly. And those toadstools are incredible. Great harvest you had.
    Love your blocks and knitting work!


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