Saturday, 19 January 2008

Räntää or wet snow falling

Today is what the Finnish winter should not be: temperature above zero, wet snow is falling and the ground remains green or muddy. Last night it was raining all night long. This shouldn't be happening to me, I recycle and sort everything and my globe should not be warming like this. The worms in my compost are wriggling happily when I bring them potato peels and tea leaves. Normally the compost works as a waste freezer at this time of the year and warms up to working order again at the end of March. On the other hand, enormous sums of money will be saved in heating expenses, snow ploughing etc. And the pavements are not slippery.

This lousy weather means also that I can't make nice pictures, so I just show another rag doll I made for Unicef. By now I have made 41 of them, and I'm planning to reach 50 this year. That will make 1,000 euro for Unicef in total and 50 vaccinated children out there. Just trying to do my share and enjoying it.

This doll is a native American and her name is Malila, "a salmon going fast upstream". I chose that name because my husband is a flyfisherman.The shirt is made of chamois leather, and I made a tiny woven pearl necklace for her. Normally they should not have any details which could be dangerous to little children, but this doll was another custom order for a woman in Germany. She wanted a collection of black, red, yellow and white dolls.


  1. Tykkään lukea tätä!

  2. it looks fantastic, all the details.

    am grateful that your daughter posted a link on her's so good to see a creative mother and daughter.

    Thanks for sharing.

  3. Thank you for your kind words. I have a talented daughter to be grateful for.
    I have been eagerly reading her paperiaarre blog to see what she is doing, and now I can show her what I have done, because she helped and encouraged me to start this blog.

  4. Hi Ulla! I have embroidered 4 flowers, not too many. I still haven't finished the form!!!!!! Computer problems last night, today, honest, I will post it out of my life!
    We too have rain, heavy rain, there is lots of flooding here but they do have snow in scotland where my husbands family live. The blog is looking great. x


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