Finally I could join the blocks for the June row of my Happy Scrappy Spring quilt with the big stitcheries:
and the July row was really easy after that effort:
Yesterday I met this little fellow fast asleep in the shadow of my geranium pot. In the evening he or she was running around our yard, first looking at my work and then on the lawn wondering about Mr. K's casting exercises.
The hedgehog's legs are quite long when he walks on a hard surface. This is in our yard. Today he was loitering in the street, very dangerous for a little hedgehog.
I was having a space problem with layering of the Bee in My Bonnet quilt in the house, because it is a big one. Then Mr. K. built me a nice new floor just perfect for this.
Just kidding, this will be our outdoors coffee place when it is finished. I just borrowed it for the sandwiching. There I was, on my hands and knees, with hundreds of safety pins on the quilt top for more than an hour for every passer-by to see. I never knew how many dog-walkers and joggers go past our house on a beautiful summer evening. I was surprised nobody asked me what I was worshipping there, because they must be tired of asking Mr. K. funny questions about his "fishing on the lawn".