Thursday, 18 December 2014

A Finish and a Half

Here are the socks I started knitting in November when I could begin to move my arm again.

I used the multicoloured yarn for a tiny pair of Train Socks, here both socks at the heel flap. I did not reach my goal which was to make one pair every month for the charity, but they must have enough knitters without me to get socks for every new baby born in town this year. This pair is going with the big socks for a next year's baby.


  1. So you are still up to date Ulla, when the Baby is not born until next year, and your socks are so pretty.

  2. Beautiful work Ulla. The Train Socks project is such a nice one and helps every new mother to think that there is someone else in the community who cares about her child too. A beautiful feeling.

  3. Beautiful socks Ulla! The Train Sock project sounds a wonderful idea :-)

  4. Someone's feet will be very warm and stylish!


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