Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Just over a week

At home we used to decorate the house little by little, starting with the Advent Candles, and the Christmas tree came in and was decorated on Christmas Eve. A real tree would not have lasted until January 6th in the warm house, with live candles and all.

I use this wreath for Easter as well, just change the ribbons and whatever.


  1. A perpetual, multi-purpose wreath. :o) I love simple, quiet, stay at home for the holidays.

  2. Beautiful wreath full of the simplicity of Winter. Here we have a family tradition of "Chrissidecks Day" when things get taken out of boxes and the tree is unpacked (artificial after sap blistered my skin with a real one) and we buy a new decoration for the tree. It is our official start to Christmas.

  3. Perfect - you can use it for any season!


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